Hybrid education

‘Flipping the classroom’ in secondary schools

We are investigating how hybrid education can maintain a varied offering during times of teacher shortages. The approach has two goals: (1) ensuring that students retain a rich educational offering and (2) providing extra support to students. We explore which aspects of hybrid education are most effective. Together with schools, we develop a ‘Flipping the Classroom’ approach that is promising and feasible in daily school practice.

Objective of our project

The goal of this intervention is twofold: (1) maintaining a rich educational offering for students and (2) providing extra support to students. By using ICT and digital instruction, students can access instruction at different times. Over time, teachers can use part of the instruction time for other tasks, such as processing and providing extra support to students.

How do we do this?

We search for and develop materials for digital instruction and design suitable approaches for teachers and students. We build on effective features of hybrid education. We co-create a ‘Flipping the Classroom’ approach that is both promising and practically feasible in schools. The first pilots will run in the 2024-2025 school year.

How can you participate?

Schools interested in participating in the ‘Flipping the Classroom’ project can contact our co-creation manager Derk Bransen (d.bransen@maastrichtuniversity.nl) for more information. Schools from across the country are welcome.


Derk Bransen

Derk Bransen

Co-creation manager

Marlot Griep

Marlot Griep

PhD researcher

Inge de Wolf

Inge de Wolf

Director and founder