Professionalization and induction

Supporting beginning teachers prevents dropout

Supporting teachers during their first years in the classroom can greatly help to strengthen their skills and prevent early dropout. This often happens through induction programs. Various schools and boards have set up interesting programs and activities. In the Teacher Lab, we investigate which components of these induction programs are effective and we work on a pilot that can be investigate in more schools.

Objective of our project

The goal of the induction project is to prevent dropout in the early years of teaching. We do this by developing induction activities for better support of beginning teachers.

How do we do this?

In the project, we explore which schools and regions already have good induction programs and work with scientists who are specialized in effective induction approaches. We co-create promising components of induction programs, which we will also test and evaluate in other schools.

Hoe can you participate?

Schools interested in participating in the Induction project can contact our co-creation manager Derk Bransen (d.bransen@maastrichtuniversity.nl) for more information. Schools from across the country are welcome.


Pam de Vries

Pam de Vries

PhD researcher

Nienke Ruijs

Senior researcher

Inge de Wolf

Inge de Wolf

Director and founder

Michelle Helm-Lorenz

Senior researcher (RUG)
