Summer school

Evaluation of the summer school in Amsterdam Southeast

Every year, the Project Office Primary Education Zuidoost (PPOZO) organises a summer school in Zuidoost for pupils from group 6 and 7. For three weeks, they follow a varied curriculum: in the morning they are taught maths and language, and in the afternoon they take part in educational, fun and challenging activities. For the 2022 summer school, Education Lab has prepared a fact sheet on evaluation by both teachers and pupils. This includes average scores and percentages related to communication, cooperation, organisation, care, the morning programme and the subjects in the afternoon programme, among others.

Goal of our project

The evaluation of the 2022 summer school served as input for improvement of the 2023 Summer School Southeast. For the 2023 Summer School, a more extensive pilot study was designed, focusing on the possible learning growth of the students participating in the 2023 Summer School. To investigate this learning growth, the Cito scores of participating pupils for 2023 and 2024 are compared. In addition, the development of social-emotional well-being will be analyzed.


Suze van Capelleveen

Suze van Capelleveen

Junior researcher
