Workload and wellbeing of teachers

A healthy working environment for teachers

There is relatively little attention to the mental wellbeing of teachers and the impact of this on the teacher shortage and student performance. Stress, high workload, absenteeism, and insufficient mental support are often cited as major causes of the high turnover of mainly beginning teachers. This project investigate the extent to which workload and wellbeing of teachers are important, for whom, and in which schools. We also focus on promising approaches to reducing workload for teachers and improving their wellbeing.

Objective of our project

The goal of the ‘Workload and Wellbeing of Teachers’ project is to gain a better understanding of the workload and wellbeing of teachers. We seek to identify the underlying causes of high and low workload and wellbeing. We also aim to identify promising approaches for schools to improve teachers’ wellbeing.

How do we do this?

This research starts with a systematic literature review to identify whether there are signals from the scientific literature that support a relationship between the likelihood of teachers leaving the profession and their mental wellbeing. Additionally, an empirical study is conducted linking general practitioner data to CBS Microdata to investigate in detail the relationship between teachers’ mental wellbeing and the student population on the one hand, and the likelihood of long-term absenteeism or career changes on the other. This research identifies potential characteristics that could early signal if teachers are at greater risk of absenteeism or leaving the profession.

How can you participate?

Schools interested in participating in the ‘Workload and Wellbeing of Teachers’ project can contact our co-creation manager Derk Bransen (d.bransen@maastrichtuniversity.nl) for more information. Schools from across the country are welcome.


Marlot Griep

Marlot Griep

PhD researcher

Nienke Ruijs

Nienke Ruijs

Senior researcher

Inge de Wolf

Inge de Wolf

Director and founder