This is how to match opportunities with returns

This is how to match opportunities with returns

Which school characteristics contribute to opportunities and returns?

What does the research say?

Which school characteristics contribute to opportunities and returns?

This research looks at which organizational characteristics contribute to opportunities and returns. Education is increasingly focusing on inclusiveness. We want to offer all students opportunities to obtain the diploma at the level that best suits their (cognitive) talents. This means that schools can give students opportunities to follow a higher level of education. But the assumption is that a student who is given the opportunity to follow a higher education level is at the same time at risk of underperforming.

However, some schools are more successful in helping these students to get a diploma than other schools. Schools with a higher percentage of girls, 1- or 2-year ‘bridging’ classes, and schools with a denominational signature are more likely to offer opportunities, while categorical schools with a high percentage of students from high income parents are more likely to focus on achieving returns.

Schools that offer both opportunities and returns are those with a higher percentage of students with a migrant background, a higher percentage of high-income parents, a higher percentage of girls, and a 1- or 2-year ‘bridging’ classes.

The most important conclusions from this study are:


  1. Schools show a clear preference with respect to opportunities and returns: Some schools have a preference for giving opportunities. Other schools have a preference for efficiency.
  2. There is no clear trade-off between opportunities and returns. This means that offering opportunities does not have to be at the expense of return.
  3. We can identify the characteristics of schools that have a preference for opportunities or returns, and then see what the characteristics are that are related to the returns achieved.
What are the implications?
  1. Invest in quality, this is good for opportunities and returns
  2. Given the quality, as a school you can choose for more opportunities or returns.
  3. A comprehensive bridging class seems to be good for opportunities and for returns