Teacher Lab

In the Teacher Lab, teachers, school leaders, and researchers collaborate on the theme of teacher (shortages) with the aim of developing promising approaches to attract and retain (more) teachers in the classroom.

See Projects

Ontwikkelkracht co-creation labs

What is Teacher Lab?

In the Teacher Lab, teachers, school leaders, and researchers collaborate on the theme of teacher (shortages). The goal of the Teacher Lab is to develop promising approaches to attract and retain (more) teachers in the classroom. The Teacher Lab is one of the two co-creation labs within the national program Ontwikkelkracht.

Within the co-creation labs, work is conducted according to the 5D methodology. Research is carried out to understand the underlying reasons for the shortage, followed by the development, implementation, and evaluation of promising interventions to address the shortage. Each phase of this process involves collaboration between educational practice, educational policy, and science. Promising solutions thus arise from both scientific research and educational practice. Below you will find more information about the ongoing and completed projects within the Teacher Lab

Discover our projects


5D methode


5D methode


5D methode


5D methode


5D methode

Connecting knowledge from experience and science

Sustainable education improvement

How do we work in the education labs?

In the education labs we work according to a clear step-by-step plan. We follow the five steps of the 5D model .


Teachers explore the problem together with researchers.

2. Diagnosis

Teachers and researchers make a diagnosis based on literature study, data analysis and simulation models.

3. Design

The researchers and teachers formulate promising interventions. These are then implemented in the form of pilots in educational practice.

4. Determine

The interventions are tested at various schools. Afterwards, both the effectiveness of the interventions and the process are carefully evaluated, and teachers and researchers jointly determine whether the intervention is promising.


In the final step, teachers and researchers decide whether and how the intervention can be successfully scaled up.

Team members Teacher Lab

Meet the Teacher Lab team

Inge de Wolf

Inge de Wolf

Director and founder

Tom Stolp

Tom Stolp

Senior researcher

Nienke Ruijs

Nienke Ruijs

Senior researcher

Marlot Griep

Marlot Griep

PhD reseacher

Pam de Vries

Pam de Vries

PhD reseacher

Tom Rongen

Tom Rongen

PhD researcher

Frank Cörvers

Frank Cörvers

Senior researcher

Derk Branssen

Derk Branssen

Co-creation manager

Per Bles

Per Bles

Senior researcher

Partners Teacher Lab

Within Teacher Lab, we work in co-creation with various partners and schools