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See projects

Effective approaches to retain teachers in the classroom.

Description of the Pillar

The TeacherLab is one of two co-creation labs within EducationLab, with a focus on sustainably contributing to solving the quantitative and qualitative teacher shortage. In the co-creation labs, activities follow the 5D methodology. The research focusses on investigating the fundamental causes behind the shortage in order to develop, implement and evaluate promising interventions and find solutions to the shortage. At each stage of this process, there exists collaboration between educational practice, educational policy and science. Thus, promising initiatives emerge from both scientific research and educational practice. Below you will find more information about these ongoing and completed research projects within the TeacherLab.

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POPs and POLLs

Within the Teacher Lab, we distinguish two types of projects: the POLLs and the POPs. POLL stands for Practice Investigations Teacher Lab, and entails a project around an initiative from educational practice. This can be, for example, an intervention from a school or another organisation. Within the Teacher Lab, we explore the promising nature of the intervention and, where possible, strengthen the intervention with knowledge from science.

A POP is a project around themes put forward by practitioners on which researchers within the Teacher Lab conduct scientific research. For example, these are projects where we use large-scale data files. Teachers, school leaders or other educational professionals can join a research project that suits their interests and participate in the various steps of the process, to enrich the research with their insights from practice. We do this in a structured way, through documents we call POPs: Perspective Education Practice (POP).

Team Members

Requests for additional information or the possibility to join the project, please reach out to one of the members of our project team.

Inge de Wolf

Inge de Wolf


Tijana Prokic-Breuer

Tijana Prokic-Breuer

Algemeen Directeur

Roxanne Korthals

Roxanne Korthals

Senior Onderzoeker

Rolf van der Velden

Rolf van der Velden


Stan Vermeulen

Stan Vermeulen

Senior Onderzoeker

Sanne van Wetten

Sanne van Wetten

Senior Onderzoeker

Eva Naaijkens

Eva Naaijkens

Schoolleider van de Alan Turingschool

Martin Bootsma

Martin Bootsma

Leraar en teamleider van de Alan Turingschool

Bas Aarts

Bas Aarts

Junior onderzoeker

Bas Aarts

Bas Aarts

Junior onderzoeker

Bas Aarts

Bas Aarts

Junior onderzoeker

Bas Aarts

Bas Aarts

Junior onderzoeker